Monday, April 6, 2015

the sealing of pilar, pablo, and luis

Hey everyone!

This week is so full of great things to talk about, And I guess the first is about the crazy fact that Kayla had her baby!!! I can´t believe it, for a while each night as I knelt to pray, having no idea if she had given birth or not, I would pray so hard for the health and well being of the both of them, and the Lord answered those many prayers from a lot of us. I´m so happy for you guys :)

The other huge piece of news is that on Wednesday I got to spend the morning with the family of Pilar, Pablo, and Luis at the Temple, and with Elder Wilson there by me, got to share the special moment together with them as they got sealed together as a family for eternity. There´s no way I can explain how it was exactly over this email, so you´ll just have to wait a couple more months until we can talk some more :) But to sum it all up, I so strongly felt the spirit while I was there, and the true power of the priesthood that binds our families together. Seeing their progression and growth in the gospel is a huge help for and strengthener for me. I think that from now on, when I make decisions in life, they will always be in the back of my mind helping motivate me to make the right decision and follow their great example. I want to stay on the path for a lot of things, and one of them is for them. This was the full circle of the work! Getting to see them go back to the temple was amazing, and now they´re getting their family history work done as well. I never knew that I would ever be fortunate enough to witness that personally. After that spiritual high, we had a great zone training where we talked about focussing more on Preach my Gospel and becoming the missionary that the Lord wants us to be. It´s always easy to start thinking about doing things your own way, or thinking that you know better, but who knows better than the Lord? Our Mission President is amazing, and I´ve learned so much from him over the course of my mission so far.

Enrique is doing really really well, came to 3 sessions of conference! Even though he´s really quiet, I think he likes what he´s learning. He agreed to be baptized as well, so we´ll just need to teach the word of wisdom, which we know he was a problem with (alcohol and smoking) but I have a feeling that he´ll be able to change seeing how he has true desires to change his life for the better. Pray for him please, he´ll need it.

I love you all so much, thanks for making such great examples for me.

Love Elder Franson

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