Wednesday, February 12, 2014

luis commits to a baptism date

 Hey family!

Sorry, we hardly have any time today to write or do shopping because we went for a fun "excursion" with the mission president and his wife! They came down here to the islands for a couple days to do interviews with us and then spend P-day with us. We went to a place called Anaga Forest and it is absolutely beautiful. We'll see if my SD card reader works and I can send some pictures. It was really cool, and at the very end of the drive we stopped at this place really close to the ocean--I got to watch the waves crash against the rocks and smell the salt in the warm breeze. Really cool experience, and even cooler that we got to spend it with the president! He is incredible, the best president in the world. Haha he told us that this morning at the hotel they stayed at he went and swam laps in a pool! Which made me miss swimming even more, ahh! I just want to jump in and race somebody! But, I guess I can wait for two years :)

So, real quick, I wanted to talk a little about Luis. I noticed some sort of change in him, like he has more interest and maybe has found a part of that desire to find the truth. We asked him, after a really good lesson about faith, repentance, and baptism, if he would be baptized on the first of March and he said, "For me, there's no problem!" Which was awesome! Continue praying for him and his family. Pablo is still basically the same, even though the doctors have lowered his level of medication he seems to at times not quite be all the way there. But little by little!

Funny story--I shined my shoes for the first time on Tuesday, in the six months I've been on my mission. They were turning a weird color so I decided I probably needed to. Looking great now!

Elder Franson
 Drawing in Luis's studio.
"Oh hey! I tried shrimp today and liked it! What do ya know?"
Overlooking La Laguna.
"My joy is full, yea, my heart is brim with joy, and I will rejoice in my God. Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things."
Alma 26: 11-12

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