Wednesday, October 23, 2013

missing american hot chocolate

Hola Family and Friends,

This week has been great, like every other week in the mission haha. I got my new companion last Monday- Elder Wilson. I´ll send a couple pictures home this week. So he is only one transfer ahead of me, just barely got out of his training (Oh I forgot to answer that question from you mom, there is a 12 week program for each new missionary with a booklet. Each week you have to read certain stuff together from Preach My Gospel or watch an episode or 2 from the district or whatever). So it´s been great because we both still have that drive and motivation. The hard thing about it has been having 2 different trainers. Elder Pugh was my first and I got used to how we did things, how he trained and taught. We had our ´groove´. And now Elder Wilson does it so differently. Just with a lot of little things. It's been a little tough with that, but I was working really hard to work together and to have a ´Christ like love´. And it´s helped! The best person that we can turn to for our problems is the Lord, because he´ll always help us become stronger and better. Ether 12:27
So, this week nothing super cool or interesting happened. Oh, yesterday we got fed 3 times in like 6 hours.... it was so crazy. A lentil soup from an Argentinian family--story about that family in a second--which was sooo good. The funny thing with her lentil soups (we´ve had a couple from her) is that he loves to put slices of hot dogs in them haha. I wonder how dad would like that. The next meal, immediately following this one, was from another member who just looooooves the missionaries... and she just looooves tuna.... and I do not looooove tuna. Haha this time actually she cooked us some rice and mini chicken drum sticks (Another thing different here than America, the drumsticks are super small. Haven´t seen a normal sized one yet.). She put a tomato paste over the rice which I thought was interesting. I didn´t like it too much but oh well, you gotta do what you gotta do right? THEN, after we waddled out to our car with food babies--pretty sure I could have had a triplets--we separated from the other elders and hit the streets because all of our lessons failed us. I don´t know how I did it honestly. But we walked for a while talking to basically everyone we passed haha. I was amazed, because absolutely no one listened to us or would even slow down. I started getting a little discouraged, there was so much rejection. But something my companion told me was that after those tough times, always, there is a miracle to follow. Satan tries to get us down, but if we pull through and continue to work hard there will be a miracle after. So sure enough, we found a guy, Bolivian named Julio, who let us teach him right there on a bench about the Book of Mormon. It was really cool to see that. So, we got a new investigator! 
Ok, back to the meals. Mari told us to come over and she was going to show us how to make Bizcochón. So we get there, but she said we didn´t have time that night to make it, but she already had some made for us to just eat haha. I swear that lady constantly has 2 or 3 loaves of bizcochon ready at all times for us haha. We ate some of that and then her hot chocolate (that is where the picture came  from that you probably saw on Facebook of me drinking 4 glasses hahaha. I was just trying to make a funny picture, I don´t think I could drink any more of that heavenly drink than one glass. It is so different, very very thick. I still miss the hot chocolate we had at home, but this stuff is still pretty good. 
We´ve had over the last couple of weeks a couple people make us some crepes, one lady made it with ice cream in side and nutella haha so good. 
Ok so back to that Argentinian family. Their name is Cozzolino, and her daughter just barely got back from her mission in Barcelona on Thursday. I remember Jess telling me something about how weird it´ll be if I ever see a missionary´s homecoming while I´m out here, and it was super weird. But it didn´t make me sad or homesick at all like I thought it might. She was an amazing missionary, and has been begging to come with us to do some more work haha. Seeing her motivation and love for the work has motivated me to be better and work harder. She´s so cool. And then this next week is another homecoming for an elder serving in the Arizona Tempe mission! 
We have that investigator, Hong, a Chinese lady who loves Jesus Christ and really liked the chruch. She came once with Elder Pugh and me but hadn´t come again. And then yesterday we were sitting down in sacrement meeting and all of a sudden I saw Hong walk in with a friend! So they came and sat by us. She is super busy and we can never get a lesson with her, but at least she´s coming to chruch right? 
Ok thats it for now, holy thats a long email. Thanks for everything you guys, you are all the best. Arely tells me every time I see her how popular I am on Facebook and that everytime she posts a picture of me she gets notifications on it all day and night long hahaha. Thank you for that. 

I love you all, 
Elder Franson

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