Hello folks,
Madrid is pretty awesome, different of course, but cool. My companion and I are doing great--the Twin Towers over here walking in the streets. People are probably just a bit freaked out when we try to stop and talk to them, but hopefully they´ll get used to it.
The investigator pool here is a bit small so we´re working hard trying to increase it, but the people that we do have are really awesome. Jessica, this lady from Peru, has no doubt been prepared by the Lord to listen to us. She told us that all of her life she´s been opposed to churches, but instead just have your own faith and stick with that. But she came to church and also to the baptism on Saturday and has been improving so much! When we taught her back near the beginning of the week, she started crying at the end--I could tell our message to her touched her heart a little bit more than the other churches. We have a baptismal date with her for the 9th of August so pray with me please for the Lord to help her get prepared and be ready.
I´ve been doing really well, I can tell the lord has been blessing me with Spanish lately, I feel even more fluent when I talk, it just rolls right off so much more easy. The spiritual gifts such as tongues or whatever are real. No doubt about it.
My companion is doing great, struggles a bit with Spanish, but just in this last week he´s improved! I´m trying to do my best to help him with the little that I know.
I hope you all had a great week, I love and miss you all. Thanks for your examples and love for me.
Love, Elder Franson
Monday, June 30, 2014
Monday, June 23, 2014
transfers: on to barrio 9
Hermano Fransisco from Peru. Such a good guy.
Well that was really unexpected, I was fully expecting to stay with Elder Galeano for another transfer but as we opened the email on Saturday night, I found out I was leaving to go to Barrio 9 (a big ward here in Madrid, I guess the area is huge). I didn´t move very far but it's still a big change from Alcorcon. My new comp is Elder Saltzman from Draper, Utah, who, you´ll never guess, is taller than me! I don´t know what our success rate will be while contacting in the street because we both will look so intimidating haha. This is only his 2nd transfer in the field so I´ll be training him (!) and I am also district leader again here in this new area which is pretty exciting--I really loved it last transfer. Sorry for not answering anyone´s questions about being district leader, I think I just forgot. It is really fun, planning district meeting, trying to help them with their challenges or struggles, serving them. I really got close to the missionaries in Alcorcon and it was sad to leave them. Actually, each one of the three companionships in Alcorcon changed this transfer, 3 of us have left. It was a pretty big change, but one that was necessary I think to help us keep the excitment going.
I love you all, thank you for your supportive emails and prayers. Have a great week :)
Elder Franson
Well that was really unexpected, I was fully expecting to stay with Elder Galeano for another transfer but as we opened the email on Saturday night, I found out I was leaving to go to Barrio 9 (a big ward here in Madrid, I guess the area is huge). I didn´t move very far but it's still a big change from Alcorcon. My new comp is Elder Saltzman from Draper, Utah, who, you´ll never guess, is taller than me! I don´t know what our success rate will be while contacting in the street because we both will look so intimidating haha. This is only his 2nd transfer in the field so I´ll be training him (!) and I am also district leader again here in this new area which is pretty exciting--I really loved it last transfer. Sorry for not answering anyone´s questions about being district leader, I think I just forgot. It is really fun, planning district meeting, trying to help them with their challenges or struggles, serving them. I really got close to the missionaries in Alcorcon and it was sad to leave them. Actually, each one of the three companionships in Alcorcon changed this transfer, 3 of us have left. It was a pretty big change, but one that was necessary I think to help us keep the excitment going.
Remember that family from Bolivia that I´ve talked about? Carmen and her
daughter Jailene (the family that we haven´t been able to get to know
the father). Well they finally come to church!! We passed by their house
a little bit before the meeting started and walked together. I was so
so happy, sharing this with others is a fantastic way to receive
blessings and to feel truly happy.
Also, what kind of made it harder to leave, was being able to see this progression in the area and some real potential. We met with a new guy on Saturday named Andres, who is an artist and writer...can you imagine how excited I was to talk to him? He can paint and he is literally AMAZING. We walked into his house and there is this huge canvas that he has been painting for over a year now and it is a view of the earth but a bit abstract, and it has like a hole in it or crater or something, but it is amazing. Anyway, he came to church yesterday! Afterwards told us that he felt a good energy here and really liked it and wanted to come back--blessings raining from heaven.
This work is what the Lord has commanded us to do in these latter days. I know that this church is true, with all of my heart. The spirit has given me that burning feeling inside of me, so that when I go outside each day, I can testify with more clarity and with more power of the things that i have come to know are true. I want you all to have that experience as well, to have an answer come from the spirit, and I know it will come.
Also, what kind of made it harder to leave, was being able to see this progression in the area and some real potential. We met with a new guy on Saturday named Andres, who is an artist and writer...can you imagine how excited I was to talk to him? He can paint and he is literally AMAZING. We walked into his house and there is this huge canvas that he has been painting for over a year now and it is a view of the earth but a bit abstract, and it has like a hole in it or crater or something, but it is amazing. Anyway, he came to church yesterday! Afterwards told us that he felt a good energy here and really liked it and wanted to come back--blessings raining from heaven.
This work is what the Lord has commanded us to do in these latter days. I know that this church is true, with all of my heart. The spirit has given me that burning feeling inside of me, so that when I go outside each day, I can testify with more clarity and with more power of the things that i have come to know are true. I want you all to have that experience as well, to have an answer come from the spirit, and I know it will come.
I love you all, thank you for your supportive emails and prayers. Have a great week :)
Elder Franson
Monday, June 16, 2014
listening to the spirit
Well some good news to start it off--I´ve lost 13 pounds since I came back from the islands! Pretty happy.
The people here aren´t doin too well after their tragic
loss to the Netherlands...pretty bad. This is their life. I´m not even
joking when I say there was no one in the street. I hope they can get it
back together and not make a fool of themselves. It's sad though because
we can´t watch it, and I was hoping the president would let us if maybe Spain made it to the final or something but nope. That's okay though,
it´ll help us focus on the work.
Okay the chair I´m sitting on right now was just
slowly going down and I had no idea until my butt was about on the
ground. Annoying.
This week was a struggle
with some things, like having our investigators not show up for the
lesson or not answer the door when we had called them that morning to
confirm it. But it is out of our control, so we just have to do our
I had a really cool experience this week with the
spirit, actually multiple experiences. For a little while in my mission I
wasn´t exactly sure if I was receiving promptings or guidance from the
spirit, and it frustrated me, but lately it has changed. We were walking
down a street and my companion stopped just for a second to stretch his
leg, and I had just a weird urge to go to the right, change our course.
I followed that thought and we walked that way, not knowing what was
going to happen, and we came across a recent convert that we needed to
talk to and were able to chat with him for a second. It's happened multiple times now and I´m so grateful for the spirit. Maybe in the pastI just wasn't able to recognize it as the spirit, but as I´ve been
studying and really praying to have the spirit, it´s become more evident
to me.
Happy Father's Day to the best dad out there--I´m so
grateful for everything you taught me and for helping to get me prepared
for my mission. You´re the best.
Also, my
camera broke...it's really weird. The lens is out but it wont turn on or
do anything. Should I look to buy one here mom or would you rather send
one, like the pink one or something?
Also, could you find out what little town JV Bollar
is from? He´s from here in Spain right? I would like to know, if its in
my mission, maybe I could visit it.
Okay, love you all. Have a great week!
Elder Franson
Monday, June 9, 2014
spreading the 100 day journal challenge
Hello everyone,
We met with a nice family from here in the branch and somehow the topic or journals got brought up, I think I had invited their 8-year-old daughter to start a journal so she can remember how she´s feeling as she is preparing to be baptized. Of course I got super excited as we began talking about the importance of journals and all that, you know me :) and I talked about my experience, how Kayla challenged me to write in my journal for 100 days straight. It really did help me so much, that challenge, helped me have that habit and even on those days where it seemed like nothing happened, I was able to find something good. Here in the mission it has helped me a ton, helped me recognize the hand of the Lord every day. So what did I do with this family, Kayla? I challenged them to write in their personal journals, but do it as family, for 100 days, and they were super excited! They made plans to go buy journals the very next day and get started haha. It was pretty cool, I´m just a journaling freak, thanks to Kayla, and I want everyone else to be one as well.
Well, not sure how Idaho is doing,
but Madrid is getting pretty hot. I think my legs and back are sticking to
this chair from sweating haha, gross I know.
This week went by pretty fast, we are doing really good and have
been having a planned and set up lesson for almost each hour but so many
of those lessons failed us, which really frustrated me. But I guess
there's not much more I can do, they will always have their agency. Whoa
okay a weird drunk guy that we always see in the street just came up
behind me, and in a really creepy voice, said "Heyyyyyyyy!".... Oh boy. Oh good he left. Whew.
Okay, back to the week, we set a baptismal date with Sebastian!
That Spanish investigator that we have. He struggles a bit with prayer,
when we ask him to pray he just says 2 or 3 things really fast and then
ends it. So we´ve been working with him on that, and after a lesson my
comp and I were talking and I found out that he too had had a thought
just like I did, of having him write it all down on a paper--the
blessings in his life and then the things he needs. We followed that
idea and it worked wonderfully! He´s doing pretty good. The Spanish and
the South Americans are very different. South Americans are very open
and nice, but then they are pretty lazy and aren´t too firm--stereotypically--and the Spanish have a harder shell to crack at first,
but once you get past that they can be the most dedicated and firm
members you would see. So pray for Sebastian, he needs all the help he
can get!
We met with a nice family from here in the branch and somehow the topic or journals got brought up, I think I had invited their 8-year-old daughter to start a journal so she can remember how she´s feeling as she is preparing to be baptized. Of course I got super excited as we began talking about the importance of journals and all that, you know me :) and I talked about my experience, how Kayla challenged me to write in my journal for 100 days straight. It really did help me so much, that challenge, helped me have that habit and even on those days where it seemed like nothing happened, I was able to find something good. Here in the mission it has helped me a ton, helped me recognize the hand of the Lord every day. So what did I do with this family, Kayla? I challenged them to write in their personal journals, but do it as family, for 100 days, and they were super excited! They made plans to go buy journals the very next day and get started haha. It was pretty cool, I´m just a journaling freak, thanks to Kayla, and I want everyone else to be one as well.
Just got back from the world's oldest restaurant
today, went with a couple other missionaries, and it was so good!
Started in 1725 and has some great, great food. Their suckling pig is
what they are mainly famous for and so that is what I got and it was
super good. A bit pricey, though. Made some great memories, I´ll send the
pics next week.
Oh. Important thing--we are starting week 5 of the
transfer, so if you want to send stuff do it soon, idk if I´m staying or
Also, found out that there is a word is Spanish for long-legged. Zancudo, might be using that now haha.
Okay, well I´ll talk to you later, have a great week
everyone, stay strong in the Gospel by doing those little things. No
one can expect to conquer Satan if they aren´t reading their scriptures
everyday, going to church, and praying.
You all are awesome!
Love, Elder Franson
Monday, June 2, 2014
goodbye to chelsey + the power of service
My eyes
have been opened this week to the reality of blessing coming through
service. I´ve realized how beneficial it really is, not only to the
person you are serving, but to the one who is doing the service. We were
helping Beatriz and Edison (a family here in the branch that is our
second family for here in Alcorcon) move to a different piso and at one
point we were had to take a heavy washing machine down 3 flights of
stairs, then over to their other piso building. It was pretty heavy, not
going to lie, and we were kind of struggling haha. Well this guy rushes
over to us and starts helping us carry it down. His name is Jorge and
is from Peru, and he was in the process of moving as well. We were able
to help carry some things for him to help out and he was really
grateful. The conversation quickly turned to religion and what we did,
he asked about what we did because he was so surprised we were willing
to help him move and carry stuff. Sorry, long story short, we were able
to meet the next day and start teaching him, get to know him a bit, and
in the middle of the lesson he asked us what he needs to do to become a Mormon! I was pretty surprised, didn´t really expect that one. He also
came to church which was pretty amazing. I´m counting my blessings and
thanking the Lord for all that he has done for me, and for blessing us
with this experience--all because we were serving.
Today we went to Madrid to a big park (the big park
we went to in the MTC to proselyte on Saturdays) for a little farewell
to Chelsey who is going home in 3 weeks! I can´t believe it. It was
pretty fun though, we rented bikes and rode around the park, then had a
little picnic. It was pretty nice, fun to talk to her about the potato
gun wars, Scrabble, Settlers of Catan, all those fun memories, haha. She
is still a little bitter when I mentioned Settlers of Catan, didn´t like
it too much when Steph kept winning.
The work is going forward, and is doing great. I
know there is no such thing as a hard area or mission, it can all change
with our attitude and faith. And its the same in life as well, you can
always make your life better, always get more happiness and joy, that is
what the Lord wants to do.
Have a great week! Love you all so much.
Elder Franson
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